Sucker Punch Wiki

The bus station is in Brattleboro, Vermont, near Lennox House for the Mentally Insane.[1]


After escaping from Lennox House and stealing a dress, Sweet Pea made her way to a bus station, where she tried to board a bus out of town. She was stopped by a pair of curious state troopers, but was saved by the bus driver, who was an incarnation of the Wise Man, and she was thus allowed to leave town.[2]



  • The bus Sweet Pea boards is bound for Fort Wayne, Indiana.
  • Sweet Pea encounters a doppelganger for the Little Tommy Soldier waiting to board the same bus.


  1. It's unlikely Sweet Pea would have traveled farther than she needed to by foot when her goal was to catch a bus, particularly if it meant leaving town to board a bus in another town. The police were also looking for an escaped mental patient in the area, indicating the bus station is near Lennox house.
  2. Zack Snyder, Steve Shibuya (writers) & Zack Snyder (director) (March 25, 2011). Sucker Punch.