Sucker Punch Wiki

The Castle is the location of the fire crystals, which exists in Babydoll's fantasy.


Upon arrival, the girls had to go in, fight an army of orcs, kill a baby dragon, and retrieve two fire crystals from its neck while trying not to wake its mother. Amber and Blondie remained on their transport plane while Babydoll, Rocket, and Sweet Pea went in to complete their mission.

Things went slightly awry when the mother woke up after her baby was slain and the were crystals stolen. Enraged, she tried to kill everything in her path. She even went as far as taking flight and following the B-25 Mitchell, engaging in aerial combat against Amber and Blondie. While attacking the tail of the plane, Blondie barely managed to avoid being eaten by doing backflips into the cockpit. The dragon was forced to the ground, where she met her end when Babydoll stabbed her katana into the dragon's skull.[1]




  1. Zack Snyder, Steve Shibuya (writers) & Zack Snyder (director) (March 25, 2011). Sucker Punch.