Sucker Punch Wiki

A pair of Vermont State Police troopers stop Sweet Pea to briefly question her. The Vermont State Police are not to be confused with the local Brattleboro Police, who appear elsewhere in the movie.


After Sweet Pea had made her escape from Lennox House for the Mentally Insane (thanks to Babydoll's plan), she stole a dress and made her way to the bus station in nearby Brattleboro. While she was waiting to board a bus, two state troopers approached her and attempted to bring her aside to question her. However, a man who looked suspiciously similar to the Wise Man was driving the bus, and he fibbed that Sweet Pea had been riding with him since Hartford, giving her a solid alibi for whatever might have gone on in the area (presumably the escape of a dangerous female mental patient matching her description), so the troopers left.


